How it works!


If you are registered as a seller, you can simply post items for sale.

Select the appropriate category and enter your item there. The appropriate category helps interested buyers to find the right item quickly!
>br > Here you can also upload item pictures, set prices and payment methods and highlight your ad.

Click on REGISTER above in the menu to register for a new user account.

link to activate your registration. This way we ensure that only YOU personally have access to your registration data.

Detailed description:

Login / Registration

Step 1: Click Login in the top right bar
Step 2: As a new user click on registration (as an already registered user click on login)
Step 3: To re-register, enter your personal data and finally click Submit Registration
Step 4: A confirmation email will then be sent to the email address you provided
Step 5: Open your email account (please also search your spam folder if necessary) and confirm your registration by clicking on the link provided in the email
Step 6: Your data will then be checked by Auktion-Mitteldeutschland and released if the data is complete
Step 7: Once your account has been approved, you will receive an email
Step 8: You can start auctioning/buying